“Boyfriend” stole my car
I work overnights and last week while i was sleeping my boyfriend of 5 months stole my car and drove it to his parents house. I contacted his mom and she said he would bring it back. She lives over two hours away. She then said he left her house with it and is couch surfing. I’ve already filed a police report in my county but have been in contact with their sheriffs almost every day. He blocked me and my entire family/friends but he is still active on snapchat posting acting as if nothing happened. The police have put out a bolo for him and my car. I honestly think his mom is hiding him.. but i dont know what the hell he did with my car. They are checking his moms property which is huge daily. The only other thing is can think to do is go to small claims court. Ive also thought about driving down there and putting “WANTED THIEF” posters all around their town. Will he still be charged if my car is never found? Im confused, disgusted, and a little heartbroken. It was perfect timing for him with my birthday being next week and my grandpa on his death bed. I want my car back and for everyone to know how horrible he is. Picture of my baby included
I work overnights and last week while i was sleeping my boyfriend of 5 months stole my car and drove it to his parents house. I contacted his mom and she said he would bring it back. She lives over two hours away. She then said he left her house with it and is couch surfing. I’ve already filed a police report in my county but have been in contact with their sheriffs almost every day. He blocked me and my entire family/friends but he is still active on snapchat posting acting as if nothing happened. The police have put out a bolo for him and my car. I honestly think his mom is hiding him.. but i dont know what the hell he did with my car. They are checking his moms property which is huge daily. The only other thing is can think to do is go to small claims court. Ive also thought about driving down there and putting “WANTED THIEF” posters all around their town. Will he still be charged if my car is never found? Im confused, disgusted, and a little heartbroken. It was perfect timing for him with my birthday being next week and my grandpa on his death bed. I want my car back and for everyone to know how horrible he is. Picture of my baby included