Too anxious and indecisive too decide what to use for a Backend Framework

Hey people,

I have six years of software engineering experience, lately I wanted to start my own business writing software but I realized I have a huge problem.

My problem is that I cannot come to terms with myself and decide what to use for a backend framework. This indecisiveness is killing me and I've been thinking about this for the last month and a half. I tried and wrote some projects with most of backend frameworks: Expressjs, Nestjs, Django, Flask, Fastapi, .Net Core and lately Laravel.

But I still do not know which should I commit to and actually learn in depth. I have this constant anxiousness of asking myself "Well what if you can't (don't know how to) implement X with that framework" or "That framework is slow" or "That frameworks is more of a library and you will have to write lots of code for basic functionality" but also at the same time thinking "That framework is more of a library and you will have more control".

I hope you understand where I'm coming from, I'm not looking at it from a perspective of "What is the best one", but how do I solve my second guessing myself and actually choose something to commit to.