Explain Vermont #1 Vacancy Like I'm an Idiot


A quick Google search shows that 1 in 5 Vermont homes were vacant in 2022. We had more than enough housing stock, and at $235,000 it would have been much more affordable than what I was seeing advertised back in 2022. What's going on?

What's with the shady landlords? Shouldn't someone be able to out-compete a bad landlord by setting up shop in the next town over?

Why are prices constantly going up? Last year we were bombarded be stats about how >100% of vacancies sold within a month of listing and other crap like that. Still not quite sure how that got tabulated.

Look, I love Vermont and everything, but I'm just tired of getting scammed. The application process is completely unhinged. This is a simple transaction, I shouldn't need to give you this much information in order to have the privilege of paying you money. I'm looking at you, VT "Landlord's Association". Why do we put up with this BS? It's downright dishonest.