extreme anxiety and stress
i feel like crying and breaking down im not even joking.
my anxiety has been at a constant extreme high since school this year started. i have been extremely stressed too. for weeks every time i went to class id have a headache from the anxiety and stress thatd last the whole day and only went away with sleep. i didnt realize how stressed i was until i missed my period last month.
ever since i missed it, my mood and health were problematic. well my period came back just today. and as you probably expect it is so much more worse than normal. im in a lot of pain. im avoiding food as my stomach is upset and i feel so nauseous today. im so weak and kinda dizzy. my head is aching hard. i took a nap earlier but that changed nothing.
tomorrow is monday so i have classes again, but i feel so sick to attend and my anxiety isnt helping. i want to be absent just for even one day, but tomorrow my attendance is a must because of a group assignment. i need to be there not just for me but for my other classmates. and that's why i feel like crying.
i still have a lot of school work to do that i feel too unwell to do. recently ive been having anxiety attacks when i look at all the work i have to do and it makes me freeze up from fear and makes it so hard to breathe. naturally that doesnt help at all.
right now im fighting an anxiety attack but my chest is tightening up again and i feel so scared and stressed i could cry. i just feel so horrible. so weak and tired.
worse of all i legit dont know what to do. i wish i could die.