Vegan food disappearing from supermarkets
I have been vegan for almost 8 years now (since jan 2017). I have watched vegan food be very limited in shops and supermarkets, to it taking off a couple of years ago where there was many new products weekly, veganuary was booming, it was thriving.
Now, I have found that so many favourites are being removed from supermarkets (I’m most annoyed about the M&S hot and spicy pizza being discontinued). There’s never any new releases and unfortunately I’m just seeing more and more products gone. Is it because there’s less social media ‘craze’ (aka phase) with it so they think it’s not worth financing?. I’m just sad because I miss how many new things there was to try, probably at its peak in 2021, and now I just think it’s declining.
I’m bored, like even the Christmas options for vegans is boring with no effort in. No one is bringing limited editions for seasonal foods, in fact vegan foods seem to be pushed aside and removed to be replaced with non vegan stock.
Does anyone have the same thoughts?