What's our experience with dating as a vegan?

In my country there aren't that many vegans, that I would be okay if someone is vegetarian, heck even if someone isn't but are at least curious and open minded to give it a go, but not only that there aren't that many people and plus when in general it can be really rough to find someone compatible it's even even harder. One female vegan from another country told me that supposedly vegan men have more options than women do that even they becomes picky. But personally I don't see that. When I spoke with some local women or foreigners who are vegans or vegetarians they said that they are fine with dating a meat eaters and actually they had and still dating them. So being vegan didn't gave me any "extra points" 😅. Sometimes I had second thoughts in my head that perhaps I should give up vegan for the sake to have a better chance of finding someone, but to me it's really hard to compromise my values in principles because when I step out of some of them a bit I feel regret. It's rough. I guess I just wanted to vent it out a bit. But I weoul be curious to hear someone else's experiences also.