thinking about going private & leaving public service

anyone done this, and if so, do you regret it?

I see so many posts about how long it takes to get hired & how many people you’re competing against, so it makes me feel very appreciative for being a fed, but I know I could make more going private.

context: 28F, GS-13-4, fully remote, became a fed out of college as a GS-7, worked up to a 13 in 6 years. So have a great salary for my age & field of study, got my master’s degree while working full time, and will likely reach GS15 in the next 5 years or less

All said - is it worth getting out, going private & making a higher salary, or do I stay put and ride out a career as a fed with lots of time off & good benefits (& a pension!)?

other considerations - kids in near future, military spouse, work in public health

edit: Thanks for the advice & engagement. For now, I’m happy and fulfilled as a fed and don’t have a huge need to chase more money in the private sector!