Everyone should use a written organizer
Human memory sucks. Even if you're in the top 10% of human memory capabilities, your memory sucks.
There's too many cases where you tell someone something like "hey, can you bring plates to the potluck that's 3 weeks away?" They agree, then completely forget because they didn't write it down anywhere. They were completely dependent on someone else reminding them or just hoping they remembered it themselves as the date got closer.
It can be anything, like here's some examples:
- Returning borrowed items (e.g., books, tools, or containers).
- Replacing a lightbulb or fixing a minor repair.
- Getting your tires rotated or changed.
- Calling or texting someone back.
- Paying a bill before the due date.
- Submitting a report or project by a deadline.
- Booking or rescheduling a doctor’s or dentist appointment.
- Filing expense reports or timesheets.
- Bringing snacks or drinks for a kids’ activity or sports event.
- Picking up dry cleaning or alterations.
- Sending a thank-you note or follow-up after a gathering.
- Vacuuming, sweeping, or tidying up a space.
- Scheduling an oil change or car inspection.
- Replacing batteries in smoke detectors or remotes.
- Backing up data or saving work before shutting down a computer.
- Returning a library book or rental.
- Mailing a letter or package.
- Bringing materials for a presentation or discussion.
- Ordering or restocking supplies.
- Picking up groceries or specific ingredients for dinner.
Nearly everyone screws up these basic tasks because "woops I forgot". And the only consequence is inconveniencing other people, so they don't care to change their ways.
The solution is extremely simple. Just have a go to place to reference for things you need to get done. Like a phone calendar, or alarms, or go old-school with a physical pen and notebook. It really doesn't matter what your method is, as long as it's not your memory, because brains suck at remembering things on their own. And by doing this, you drastically increase your reliability. Not only as a co-worker, family member, friend, but just an overall person.