I hate law
I want to leave the law. How do I resign from my traineeship in a way in which I don’t have to pay them back the money that the paid for my DPLP?
Can someone pls help me with coming up with a case so I can just run away at this point.
I know I keep coming on here and ranting. But now I have had enough I want to leave. I hate my firm. I hate office jobs. I hate the corporate world. I hate everything.
There was a firm wide briefing on the firms strategy etc etc. I got up and printed a document whilst my mic and camera were obviously off. A partner at my law firm flipped at me, and said I was meandering around whilst there was a partner briefing on the firms strategy from some English office. Whilst everyone in the office was sitting I should not have gotten a printout. But he grinded his teeth, grilled me and then complained to my supervisor and we are having a special meeting about my performance on the traineeship.