Josh on the right side again

New lore to ponder: why is Josh on the right again in this pic? 🤔 It looks like this is for the song "The Lines" as far as I can tell, which is NOT a song involved in the lore in any way. I repeat: it is NOT. Even if they're playing something else (I don't know what this is that they're advertising), there's still the question of why Josh is on the right.

For new fans here from "Clancy": Josh is always on the left, in everything. But during the Scaled and Icy era he was on the right in everything, and it was part of the story: a clue that something was off.

(I didn't notice the Josh-on-the-left thing until it was pointed out to me during SAI. But when you look you see it, in every promotional photo, and even how they stand or sit in interviews and meet-and-greets. They mirror how they are on stage. During the video for Overcompensate, he was still on the left but in the background, reflecting the story there too )