Pull the lever or play Telephone?

The Trolley is arriving in 5 minutes. It is heading towards 20 people. You can take that 5 minutes to make it to the lever, diverting it to the track with 10 people. Or You can save everybody by playing a successful game of telephone with the 20 person group using a random verse from the bible. If the 20th person repeats it verbatim within 5 minutes, the trolley stops, if they change the verse, all 20 will die. (Multiple attempts allowed within 5 minutes).

The Trolley is arriving in 5 minutes. It is heading towards 20 people. You can take that 5 minutes to make it to the lever, diverting it to the track with 10 people. Or You can save everybody by playing a successful game of telephone with the 20 person group using a random verse from the bible. If the 20th person repeats it verbatim within 5 minutes, the trolley stops, if they change the verse, all 20 will die. (Multiple attempts allowed within 5 minutes).