Looking for a machine to ease infusion process and lessen smell.
I was asking AI on recommendations for machines that both infuse and decarb. 2 options stuck out which were the “Ardent FX” and the “LEVO II”. I’m simply wanting to make a bunch of 50mg THC gummies so I can save money and have more product at once. Math on why >! Gummies are 50$ for a 1000mg 20 pack for me, if I buy an ounce of ~20% THC flower for 100$ then I can make 5x the product for 2x the cost !<.
The gummies would be the primary use but I would definitely be open to experimenting later on with things like coffee creamer, cakes, cookies etc but the main use would be a large batch of cheaper gummies.
Anyone have any first hand reviews/experience with these machines or a better one more suited to my objectives?
Lastly anyone got any nut free options for recipes of sorts? I know things like coconut oil are purified to the point of lower allergens but I simply don’t want to risk it.