What can I expect from a liver transplant?
Hi everyone! I have recently joined this sub because my dad has a rare liver disease which causes his liver to scar. Doc gave him 2 years max with stents before he needs a liver. I am absolutely horrified at only the complications he’s had just related to his first stent. My family is trying to stay strong, but since I don’t know what to expect, it’s really eating away at me. Anyways, I don’t want to make this about me, but I wanted to ask and see if any of you have any insight into the reality of this:
Regarding stents; what have your situations looked like? Do they make you feel better? Can you eat again (even if just for a few months). What is the process like?
Regarding the liver transplant: my dad needs an entire liver. So getting a part transplant is not an option. I keep reading the shelf life of an organ is no longer than 5 years, but what have your journeys been like pre and post surgery?
Regarding nutrition: are there any tips or sources you have? My dad can barely eat anything without feeling sick. He’s lost a lot of weight. I’m hoping he can eat more normally with a stent, but what can one do dietary wise to not run into complications?
Fiiiinally: I feel like I don’t know how to handle this. How can I beat support my dad and my family (I also have three much younger brothers) without burning out? As of now, I feel almost numb. I try to act rationally, but I also don’t want to cry around for I don’t know how many years. I guess I just have to accept this Journey won’t be a pretty one.
I really have a lot of respect for all of you. Y’all are true warriors and I only wish all of you the very best. Reading all these stories and seeing my dad struggle, has really opened my eyes towards life and how I see it. I’ll keep praying for you all.