I went on a date yesterday

Hello, as you saw in the title, I went on a date yesterday, and I don't know why I was so dumb thinking it would be different from the other times, I told him he would regret it, that he wouldn't like me, and he kept telling me not to say those things and to stop being silly and the day came, yesterday. We walked in the park and we talked, we held hands and there was a kiss and so on... then he took me home and made plans to meet me on Sunday, then I hugged him and I gave him a kiss, then soon after i tried message him on his WhatsApp and the photo disappeared, then a message "user unavailable "appeared and then " try again later " at first I thought it was a joke, but after a while I went to look on the app where he met me, and he unmatched there lol, I don't even know why I tried to convince myself that this time it would be different, lol, I'm a real fool and that just reminded me that I'm not worthy of anyone until at least do a few good years of hormone therapy, lol, I'm such a moron to think that someone will accept me in my current state, I shouldn't have even accepted the date, I should have given up before.