I'm a woman who doesn't want to identify as trans. Why can't I just be seen as a woman?

I'm a woman, but I don't feel comfortable identifying as trans. I simply want to be seen and treated as a woman, without the "trans" label attached. However, when I expressed this to a transgender group, they got angry with me and insisted that I'm trans no matter what.

This feels like I'm being forced to make the mistake of my assigned gender at birth a permanent part of my identity. I believe that if I identify as a woman, my identity should be respected without qualifiers. After all, cisgender women aren't constantly expected to identify as "cis women."

I understand that some trans people find pride and community in the transgender label, and I respect that. However, I feel that my personal choice to identify solely as a woman should also be respected.

What are your thoughts on this? Should every trans person be expected to identify as trans, or is it okay for some of us to simply identify as our true gender without the trans label?