Second-guessing my son's name, please help

So here's the sitch, I'm having twins (b&g) and the spouse and I really struggled with compromising on his name. We eventually settled on Aello, which is pronounced "eye-low" and means swift storm.

I know the name is Greek and spelled properly. My problem is that I keep automatically reading it as "eyy-low" because 'ae' is generally "eyy" for Anglo-Saxon phonetics.

So, should I leave it be or should I change the spelling to where it's a little more phonetically clear? Or should we scrap it and try again?

Edit: To clarify a few things, we live in the US. The children will be a mix of everything except Arab and Pacific islander. I'm not sure how naming children after ancient mythos is considered cultural appropriation.

I don't want something super generic, especially as our last name is common af like "Parker", but I also don't want a tragedeigh.

I have an ethnic south Asian name, so I know what it's like to grow up with folks not knowing how to say or spell it and having an "American" nickname.

We are aware of the Harpy Aello, that was part of the reason we chose it. (Our daughter's name will be Iris.) We have gone through the entire pantheon, and then some to find a name we could settle on.

Edit #2: We are going back to the drawing board, but keeping Aylo on the back burner.

Thank you to everyone who actually gave a genuine thought to this first time human incubator, instead of being a c*nt about it.

As for those of you clutching your pearls about gender conformity, it's 2025. More names are becoming unisex or being used non-traditionally.