Ode to Ostankya, the worst decision CA ever made, nor comment on changing, because nobody cares.
I don't get it why I didn't see and still don't see much discussion about how fucked up her situation is. Kislev lore isn't exactly deep. So CA and GW sat down, and started to work things out together (as we are told in pre-release blogs) to have a unified portrayal of Kislev. So far so good.
Together, they reinvent the faction. There are some quickly retconned hiccups like Boris being dead, and the Things in the Woods being chaos creatures (retcon: now they are forest spirits, kin to athel loren spirits except animating animal carcasses instead of trees). Checkists (fantasy KGB) are removed and replaced with the Akshina. So far so good (sad to see them go though, they weren't a footnote in an obscure armybook from the 80s, they are featured in Ulrika book 2).
CA chooses Ostankya to be their DLC character. Careful background work is laid down: the mythos of the hag in the woods is built into folklore of the villagers living in the oblast steppes and near forests. The chiken legged hut is removed (could've used an Incarnate Elemental to carry it on it's back, hunched). She is estabilished as the Guardians of the Forest, cleansing it from Chaos corruption and being the unsung hero of Kislev who most fear or don't even believe in her existence. So far, so good.
Then someone said:
You know what guys? We should put her in Nagarroth!
The brainstorming office fell silent for a few second, everyone looked each other in the eyes, then the room exploded in celebration, they lifted him up and carried him around like a rockstar, while someone broke a lamp with the cap of a schampagne bottle. Thankfully nobody noticed because of the confetti falling down all the time.
What the absolute fuck happened there? Why on Earth is she there? Nobody, really nobody is interested in playing her so nobody cares to raise their voice for change? Even if you are not interested, aren't you bothered by the fact that they took a gigantic pile of crap on a character who's lore THEY THEMSELVES wrote? What sort of standard does that estabilish?
I know they want to distance playable factions for variety but does that overwrite lore this badly now? And the most insultingly low hanging fruit: they rewrote Boris Ursus' story, that the river took him and he survived frozen in ice. That river is heading east, through the Gulf of Chaos, into the ocean. A straight line to Nagarroth. Or west Norsca. Or even near Malus / Daniel, possibly replacing the latter who should start closer to Kislev anyway based on their own tutorial narrative. All of these options would've made space for Ostankya to start in the forests she starts in in Realms of Chaos: just bordering Kislev, presumably lost to Chaos, with a sole defender showing them that life must prevail, not for any ruler, but for the living world we are part of. They had David Guymer write a short novella about her too, that plays in Kislev. You have it as an ebook on your CA account.
Then they put Aarbal there, as a final nail in the coffin. With Khorne assumed to be done in terms of new content, not one of them starts in Infermius, but they stole the only viable start position Ostankya should've had and gave it to Aarbal who has no business being there (note: identical location but settlement names are different in different campaign maps).
At this point I'd settle for a Boris / Ostankya start position swap. But nobody cares to even make a mod like that. There is one that moves her where she should be, but alas, good luck fighting khorne chosen in your starting province with spider hatchlings. They are as strong as they sound like.
And nobody seems to care. I spend an unhealthy amount of time on this subreddit and the only threads I find are extremely few in numbers and old of age. Several of them are mine. Usually ends up with 0 karma 1 comment. Just... nobody cares? Is a limited unit roster alternative challange of a faction so unpopular that nobody even toys with the idea?
Now, in the end of the year letter of CA they mentioned revisiting Shadows of Change. 3.0 as I'd like to call it, to bring it up to pair with the later DLCs, hopefully a Tzeench LL FLC on the way.
This is Ostankya's last chance to be moved.
Please, please help raise attention.
Edit: my deepest thank you for the support!