In Another Life...

Idk if you guys like the idea of multiple universes and different timelines happening at the same time as ours but I think its a cool idea and its somewhat helped me cope with losing the life that I had before I became sick. So I wanted to share.

I like to believe whenever something extreme happens or there's a major decision that you have to make, whatever that event is, it starts a different timeline. Maybe in this timeline you broke up with your ex, but in another one you stayed. Maybe I dropped out of school in this life, but in another life, I kept going.

Maybe in this life I became sick randomly, but in a different timeline I didn't.

I like to fantasize about how my life would be different at different crossroads throughout my life. Somewhere, somehow, I'm out there and I'm a general manager at this popular restaurant, I rock climb after work, and I backpack on the weekends. Idk if i'm completely happy in that life, there were so many things that i used to worry about that seem so meaningless now. I don't have the same frame of reference as i do in this life.

In another timeline, I finished school. I'm sure there's a version of me that stayed with one of my terrible ex-boyfriends. I'm sure there is another version of me that's divorced lol. I swear theres a version of me somewhere that is a stripper and does hard drugs and doesn't give a single fuck about life and only has fun. I know theres another me that died young due to my reckless nature. I mean, I'm still going in this timeline so i guess I'll see where I end up.

So, in this life, I got screwed. the chances were slim. But this is where my timeline is currently. I'm adjusting and adapting to a different life. This life is much different than the other versions of me. It's much different from most people's lives. But this timeline is still going. I like to believe so are theirs. And that makes me happy for them. Which actually makes me happy for me.

Haha it tricks my brain into feeling happy.