Starting my tool collection at age 37.
Recently found my way to the tools subreddits and now I have a burning desire to grow my tool collection. I was previously picking up whatever cheap tool I needed at the time of a project so I have a mixture of anything from old Craftsman, Husky, Pittsburg, etc… Now I’m spending all my time looking at reviews, and comments in the search of wanting to turn my garage into a respectable workshop. This is what I’ve purchased since Reddit gave be a boner for tools.
Recently found my way to the tools subreddits and now I have a burning desire to grow my tool collection. I was previously picking up whatever cheap tool I needed at the time of a project so I have a mixture of anything from old Craftsman, Husky, Pittsburg, etc… Now I’m spending all my time looking at reviews, and comments in the search of wanting to turn my garage into a respectable workshop. This is what I’ve purchased since Reddit gave be a boner for tools.