Justin Bieber Tweaking out at wife's pop up store
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\nHe looks like Walter White pretending to be Jessie
\nPretending to be WW.
\nWilly Wonka?
\nBro looks like a young Dr.Robotnik
\nHoly. Shit.
\nBro dressed up as a villain from Hey Arnold!
\nHe looks like he and his gang are about to kick Doug Funnie\u2019s ass
\nBro dressed as a 80s rapper who sings FOR racism.
\nBro looks like he eats burritos from the side!
\nAnd burgers from the top
\nSnickers with a fork
\nBro looks like #1 from Kids Next Door
\nHe looks like what a Rugrats would draw as what a cool adult looks like.
\n\ud83d\ude06 This is so accurate. Sleazy jazz would play every time he came on screen.
\nGakked up on woop chicken.
\nYou know it\u2019s good cuz it\u2019s blue, bitch!
\nHe looks like his dentures are about to fall out. Woof
\nYa man, those bad boys look like piano keys from here
\nhe looks like a 50 year old pedo
\nHe seriously does.
\n\nGuy got unhinged.
\n\nCan't really blame him though, he had a fucked up life. Influenced by people that should never have been let around children.
\nHe also ended up with Lyme diseases which can mess you up pretty badly too.
\nHe probably hates chili dogs
\nThat's a chuckle brothers love child if ever I saw one
\nthe way i fucking cackled at this lmao
\nYikes.\u00a0\nIt looks like Popeye is wearing Bluto\u2019s cloths but hasn\u2019t had spinach in a longggg time.
\nDamn bro you dug deep on that one
\nOlive Oyl be rolling in her grave
\nchatgpt, look at this video and generate an insult that would hurt the person at a visceral level.
\n\noh nice. thanks.
\nJustin: what is Popeye and Bluto, also don't touch my fucking Percocet
\nWhat... the... fuck... is that?
\n\nIs he wearing black clown shoes?
\nJeez. I didn\u2019t even notice the clown shoes lmao.
\nHow could you miss the giant clown clogs lmao
\nHave you seen the rest of him\u203d There's too much going on with to focus on one thing.
\nIt's true, I've watched it multiple times now and I'm not even close to being bored
\nOk, so this is obviously sad and everything but holy shit are his eyebrows at the end funny. They're just so cartoonish.
\nhard to take your eyes off his freaky face
\nnah man when i wanna see how high a guy is i always look at his shoes
\ni always check out people's shoes which i blame on my multiple re-watches of The Shawshank Redemption when I was younger and Red (Morgan Freeman) says something like "honestly how often do you look at a man's shoes?"
\nHe's really rockin those Herman Munsters
\nSolid advice, you can tell a lot about a crack head from their shoes\u2026
\n\nPoor Biebs is not handling the Diddy fallout well, bro is trying to fry his guilty conscience into not feeling all that pain
\nThat made me laugh till I snorted. I'm stoned as balls wearing woven sandals.
\nUnfortunately these are the hottest designer boots of the season, the Balenciaga Alaska Boot. they are hideous.
\nThey look like how I would draw shoes in first grade
\nFortunately, they will be called clown clogs a year from now because fashion like this is a fleeting clown show
\nFashion like this is really only made for celebrities and, I assume, an exceptionally small pool of people with the interest and money to buy these types of clothes.
\nAnd they have to be different enough that no regular shoe company would ever attempt to sell it to the masses. That way they can be super expensive and make celebrities feel like they're better than us.
\n\nFor real though, they just remind me of those other ugly ass puffy boots.
\n\n\n\nthey can be super expensive and make celebrities feel like they're better than us.
I truly don't understand how people can dress in shit like this, look down at themselves, and not feel extreme discomfort. Like, if my totally normal pant cuffs don't cover my totally normal shoes the right way I will feel awkward and weird. I couldn't imagine dressing like this much an absurd fucking fool and feeling in any way comfortable. Much less it making me feel better than other people.
\nTemu enters the chat
\nKrusty the Klown\u2019s stomp of approval.
\n\nThat\u2019s right- I said stomp.
\nImagine spending $1,300 on these fucking clodstompers.
\nSpending $1300 to look like a special needs clown is high fashion.
\nLooks like a 4 year old playing dress ups in his Dad's clothes
\nWho was that guy in the Popeye cartoon that was always wanting one hamburger today in exchange for paying for two hamburgers tomorrow?
\nWimpy would gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
\nWas it Whimpy or something like that?
\n\nEdit: it was Wimpy and he dressed nothing like Popeye. He always wore a messy suit.
\nYes, Wimpy. I have seen his full name as j. Wellington Wimpy.
\nThe shoes of someone that gets chauffeured everywhere
\n\u00a0I think that\u2019s actually Billie Eilish\u00a0
\nGlock tucked, big T-shirt, Billie Eilish
\nGoodness gracious. What is this reality I\u2019m in?
\nSo what drug is this?
\nlooks like an upper to me
\nSome strong Upper. Almost reminds me of MDMA, but that would be a very unfitting setting and location for this.
\nWell, if he\u2019s an addict, the setting and location don\u2019t really matter.
\nHard to imagine an MDMA \u201caddict\u201d it really gets to the point where you simply cant do it after like 2 days straight and your body rejects it.
\n\nIt also doesn\u2019t make sense outside of a rave* or music concert type setting.
\n\nsource: 15 years experience
\n\nEDIT: I get it guys, there\u2019s edge cases. It\u2019s just not that common compared to say cocaine or meth. Very small percentage for sure. And certainly whatever is going on in this video is some kind of drug cocktail. I highly doubt this is just a casual day roll.
\nAlso it\u2019s the worst drug to take if you\u2019re reliving trauma. Once the dopamine is gone, the emotional hangover is going to make you want to jump out of a window for a week.
\nSuicide Tuesdays is a very real thing. Some of the worst come downs of my life. Thankfully that extreme level of abuse is far in my past. I would never have considered myself an \u201caddict\u201d though, as it was always weeks between \u201cseshs\u201d even in my worst years, and in fact I still do it but very little and very far apart. Only for the occasional rave \ud83d\ude02
\nThe weed saved me everytime from getting too down
\nMaybe that's why I never had them lol
\nWe used to get super stoned and go do laundry after a roll. Something about being stoned with my friends doing something blah seemed to help the comedown feel less depressing. Might be why I hate laundry now \ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd23
\nvery few people like laundry.
\nI\u2019ve had setbacks in life. I\u2019ve had close friends, family, and romantic partners die of everything from car crashes to cancer. But the saddest I\u2019ve ever felt was coming down off of E watching \u201cthe life aquatic.\u201d It got to that part where Steve is giving his \u201cson\u201d a tour of the sub, and it ends with his son asking what happened between Steve and his mother. To which Zissou replies \u201cshe never\u2026really loved me.\u201d In the most sad, Bill Murray-esque way possible as the screen fades to black. I cried for an hour.
\n\nIt\u2019s not even remotely close to the saddest thing I\u2019ve ever watched, but in that moment I\u2019d never felt more emotionally hollow.
\nIdk I used to take it at random boring events and this seems to be a random boring event \nI\u2019m Australian so drug use like mdma was used at all sorts of events. Even an afternoon bbq. \nThis was during the tail-end of peak production period in 2012-2014
\nAs someone who now only rolls a few times a year, a BBQ with a bunch of rolling Aussies sounds like a fuckin' wonderful and wild time.
\nI know nothing about Australian culture besides Steve Irwin and every episode of the big Lez show so this checks out for me.
\nI was this person. I don't know how, but we would eat it like candy and do nothing but wander around the house or play video games, sometimes for weeks on end. Don't know how I survived.
\nI knew a guy in my high school, came up to me at graduation and was like "I have been on ecstasy every day for the past 2 years" and I was like good fuckin luck with that man
\n\nSaid the same thing, all he did was play Counter Strike. Sold me weed wrapped in his CS map drawings.
\nI remember an older video of him and Selena sneaking around a bodega or something buying meth allegedly. But no idea when it was.\u00a0
\nHere's that video. It always made me think he does harder stuff like crack. Selena seemed like someone who's been in the drug world too. Tons of videos with her fucked up as well, especially when they were together.
\n\n\nThey were doing heroin together \u2014 seriously. That\u2019s the reason Selena needed a kidney transplant; the combination of having an autoimmune disease like lupus plus excessive drinking/drug use.
\nMy brother was in a scene with her for a tv show and his experience was that she was very nice, but that she was high on something and/or suffering from some severe mental illness
\nYep, people are coming for me in the comments (Selena fans are some of the most passionate), but anyone can find videos of her high or drunk without much effort. It\u2019s clear she struggled too. Besides, Justin even said he got into \u201chard drugs\u201d at 19, and he was with Selena at that time. They were using together.
\nShe has SLE and had lupus nephritis. It attacks your kidneys to the point of failure on its own. Don\u2019t spread misinformation!
\n\nSource: I have SLE. Also, my great aunt died of complications of lupus nephritis (she had to go on dialysis and have a kidney transplant)
\nAssuming that Selena had a kidney transplant because she does drugs while she\u2019s sick is a pretty messed up thing to say imo.
\ntheres a video of him apparently stranded in the projects in south central LA and the local gang was making him sing and stuff. People were saying the only reason he could have possibly ended up in that neighborhood was because he must have been looking for drugs
\nIt was Skid Row in LA.
\n\nThere was also a story about Zac Efron getting into a fight late at night in Skid Row.
\n\nLots of celebrities in LA are into harder drugs than people think.
\nHe literally says Santa Monica and Western Ave. in Hollywood \ud83e\udd23\ud83d\ude02 that is not anywhere close to Skid Row
\nDefinitely stimulant. My guess would be MDMA because of the weird motor ticks; >200mg aka a large dose.
\nThe mouth thing really makes me think MDMA.
\nYup. Been there \ud83d\ude06
\n\nBut luckily no one was filming me.
\nThe rich get easy access to the prescription pills, they have an illusion of safety and you know what you're getting. Possibly Adderall.\u00a0
\nI've done plenty of amphetamines at all sorts of doses, and I've never had this sort of goofy reaction. Obviously reactions will vary from person to person, but even at pretty massive doses of amphetamine sulfate, I wouldn't be obviously fucked up based on a ten second video.
\nThe rich get easy treatment to illegal drugs too. I don't know how much of that world you know personally but... Yeah, they've got multiple dealers at all times. And if someone is taking too long they just call someone else with the ETA
\n\nThe best example that's out in public is Mac Miller's last two drug orders. Shows it pretty well, especially the second one with the "you order a girl I'll send some free snow"
\n\n(Side thing: Despite how everything turned out though, that one ended in a sort of typical but funny way. The girl never left and was just chilling, but Mac didn't know he was still paying lol. The texts are kind of funny)
\n\nAnyway, Bieber has access to everything. But even then sometimes they have to go through the weird civilian deals. Who knows what he's on though! Definitely some sort of stimulant
\nDamn my man is tweaking hard. Involuntary mouth moves and all
\nI\u2019ve been this high on coke. Pretty sure ma mans is sailing the crystal ship with Heisenberg at the helm! He almost likes like a doped up Jesse!
\nI was sailing the crystal seas for awhile, I have to agree with you, once you been there you almost get a sixth sense about it, I would even bet by that behavior he is ingesting it orally.
\nMaybe someone is giving him fake addys
\nReminds me of homie\u2019s figurine
\nYOOO! Spot on!
\nBringing back those grocery store memories with mom!
\nI wonder how that guy is doing. The one with all of the homies machines.
\nThat's Bieber?!?\u00a0 Good grief. If that dude sat next to me on a train, I'd probably change seats. Poor guy.\u00a0
\nJesus Christ. What the fuck.
\nI dont think being a celebrity is good for your health
\nAll those late nights with Diddy will make you suppress your demons with hard drugs.
\nJustin Bieber has looked worn down for 8 years atp
\nHe was probably abused just as bad as anyone else in entertainment. He's spoken out about it for years, but I'm not sure if he's ever named any names. I legitimately feel sorry for the guy.
\nAnd having it all over the news would mean he\u2019s constantly triggered \ud83d\ude15 i think this is really sad. And he\u2019s got a baby now\u2026
\nI'm the same age as him and felt horrible for him when he started getting famous. It was literally a running joke to call him gay constantly, you'd be in the comment section of an unrelated youtube video and someone would comment "still less gay than bieber" or some shit like that.
\n\nBeyond whatever abuse he likely got from hollywood, having millions of people constantly bullying you can not be good on a kids psyche.
\nYeah being constantly called emasculated as a public joke after getting the Diddy treatment in private would probably do some damage to a man.
\nAnd it wasn't just other teen guys- literal fully grown men in their 20's were hating on him like it was their job. You don't like the music, that's fine- but the way they made it their mission to hate him with such a passion was disgustin
\nThey said he has Lyme disease but he looked tweaked out to me.
\nEvery celebrity who portrays similar body language and physical deterioration as drug addicts has \u201cLyme disease\u201d.
\nEspecially since as a kid he was molested by adults in a regular basis. I feel for justin.
\n\n\nEspecially not from a young age like him. I have some sympathy for him.
\nYeah everyone laughs at the circus, but most people don't like to be reminded of why it's happening.
\n\nI was there for Amy Winehouse, and that shit was so sad at the time.
\nHow old is this footage? He makes claims he\u2019s been sober
\na few days ago
\nLmao I saw an article yesterday or the day before describing how he\u2019s been making a hard stance on his sobriety.
\nThat's usually a sign that sobriety is an issue lol
\nGood point. The only time I ever talked about my sobriety was when I was fucked up, or immediately after I got fucked up.
\n\u201cWhat?! I\u2019ve been sober for over 4 hours!\u201d
\nLikely abusing prescription drugs. Still sober if they are doctor prescribed. \ud83d\ude44
\nI'm not a Bieber fan but this is sad. Dude has probably been through a lot.
\nYeah...I don't know why I feel extra bad about this one, possibly partly because he's famous but...
\n\nI'll always remember him as the kid that was bullied absurdly heavily back when the first fame hype hit him.
\n\nEven though it seems almost no time has passed, now suddenly people say he looks "old". I mean, I can see it, but it would be more accurate to say he's in poor health due to the drugs he has been taken through the years.
\n\nRegardless of his backstory... His general health will keep detoriating - at some point in ways there's no coming back from - unless if he's able to quit whatever is causing him to lose this much weight.
\nWhen all that shit with Diddy came out, life looked grim for him.
\nPeople are way too comfortable bullying celebrities online. Justin Bieber was attacked just for existing and expressing himself, and I couldn't imagine what that must've felt like when he was a young teenager.
\nHis smile is painfully, disturbingly intense in this clip. Drugged out for sure
\nHomeboys been smoking crack. Lots of crack.
\n\nSource: ....I refuse to incriminate myself
\n\nEdit:- I never thought I'd say this, but I really feel for him. Some dark, horrible shit in his past is about to come out, when he was a literal little fucking child. I wish people would leave him alone. I preferred thinking of him as this too perfect little shit that everyone kinda likes at least one thing he's done - but no-one wants to admit to - rather than what's happening now. It's savage.
\nTotally agree - this shit with diddy is probably bringing back lots of bad trauma memories.
\nI'm at the point where I just assume anybody that was famous as a child has buried trauma from the way they were treated by the adults supposedly looking out for them as children.
\nI think that's a pretty safe assumption.
\nI was wonderng why Sabrina Carpenter has the same dead look in her eyes that Brittney Spears does then I found out she was a Disney kid too and it all made sense ):
\nEven if there wasn't abuse, child stars are growing up with adults as peers, little interaction with kids their age, and the center of attention. That does not lead to normal outcomes.
\nalso even just being rich and famous would be a wierd feeling cuz everywhere you go everyone knows you and people are probably trying to get stuff off you or extort you left and right.
\n\nthe paranoia would be through the roof
\n\nit would feel like being an attractive woman and walking around naked and blindfolded in a city where everyones a rapist. thats how exposed and vulnerable youd feel
\nThis is exactly what is happening. Sucks to watch him fall apart as the darkest part of him is being put out, and it\u2019s not even something he had control over.
\nThat sucks. He seemed to be doing so well lately. I hope he gets better.
\nyes and now the whole world has the potential to know details. that would surely complicate feelings in Bieber. i personally would hate people i dont know knowing details of my past like that. god i am so glad im not famous tbh
\nReally fucked up situation. I remember when people said that Lil Bow Wow was raped by a bodyguard/security guard and somehow everyone found that shit funny? It\u2019s crazy how society tries to emasculate men who have been sexually assaulted. This is the reason they don\u2019t normally speak up. We should be supporting and lifting up survivors of sexual assault so these types of things don\u2019t happen. He\u2019s hurting bad internally.
\nFYI, that was just a rumour and is not true.
\n\nAlthough that doesn't change the fact that people ridiculed him for it and that's messed up.
\n\n\n\nIt\u2019s crazy how society tries to emasculate men who have been sexually assaulted. This is the reason they don\u2019t normally speak up.
Thank you.
\nCompletely agree; I\u2019ve never been in his demographic musically speaking, but the horror show his life has been and the intensity ratcheting up even higher?
\n\nHe doesn\u2019t deserve all this hell.
\nWhy didn\u2019t you think you\u2019d say that? I don\u2019t know everything he\u2019s done but I feel like he got hate because made catchy music for girls
\nBecause I'm a 36 year old bloke in the UK who went from Nirvana, to System of a Down, to Noisia.
\nBieber isn't my thing, but, yeah, in my darkest moments I've heard a little beat on the radio and been like yeah, or a hot girls been all about this, or that.
I've also lived quite the life, not in a bragging sort of way, more like I've seen more than most to be here right now writing this, if you get me. And I really, really feel for him. I'd give him the manly-est bro hug right now. He fucking needs it.
\nI pretty much only listen to dnb and I took my gf to a bieber concert. It was actually pretty good. Lots of catchy songs and the performance was good.
\nRemember when they caught Justin and Selena at the Swap Meet in the hood trying to buy drugs?
\nI\u2019m surprised these videos never come up in the public discourse about Justin and diddy. I remember when it happened along with the reports of them smoking meth together. With all of her public health issues and his general disheveled state the past several years, I\u2019m shocked more people don\u2019t talk about it. Especially now that we know so much more.
\n\nThat being said I hope he gets help, it seems like Selena is doing far better these days but he\u2019s obviously been struggling for years.
\nThey were papped at church earlier that day wearing those exact clothes in the video.
\nHe looks like Wimpy from Popeye that borrowed his shoes from Olive Oyl.
\nLooks like he\u2019s rolling so hard
\nIs it me or he looks considerably older? He's like what? 30?
\nwow dude's on some shit
\nThat poor guy needs to get himself cleaned up
\nDude's dressing up like he wants to give someone an opportunity to come up with the most hilarious "he looks like" joke of all time.
\nclown shoes and condom hat.
\nStrong look
\nBoy trying to hide from them Diddy Demons inside him
\nCrackhead Popeye
\nHe looks like Walter White and Jesse combined together
\nThat fit is trash
\nJustin has been through some hard times but I didn\u2019t think I\u2019d ever seen him look like the star of \u201cErnest Tries Meth\u201d
\nI hope somebody can reach him, before it\u2019s way too late.
\nDamn, P Diddy done fuck that boy up good.
\nSelf medicating, well you would too if P diddler had took your innocence.
\nforbidden reaction jpg
\nWhy is he grabbing at his crotch?
\nThe worst part is he's a father now.
\nI'm pretty sure he wasn't able to handle finding out he was going to be a father at almost the exact same time the charges against Diddy dropped. He probably could have handled either one separately, but not\u00a0back-to-back like it did.
\nThis is like when the Little Rascals would stand on each other's shoulders and put on a big coat and approach the box office like,
\n\n(Deep voice) "One ticket for Debbie does Dallas, please."
\nYou can tell he's rich by his clothes. No one with limited funds would ever waste money on that fit.
\nHe's finally smiling again :)
\nThat\u2019s sad man.
\ndidnt know justin bieber was already 70, life goes so fast
\nDrugs are a helluva drug
\nI wouldn't have know that was Justin Bieber if you didn't say so
\nAw man. I feel sad for him.
\nWow! Poor kid! Goddamn diddy!
\nJesus Christ I physically cringed after the pant grab and then that face
\nSobriety is a journey; I hope he finds this video and takes it only as fuel for the next fuel miles and not another weight to carry.
\nI had to mute that
\nWho dresses this fool? He looks ridiculous
\nHis dealer
\nHe starting to look old
\nWhat makes some people think shit like that looks good when walking outside? I'd be so self conscious
\nThis shit is so fucking sad, bro. The kid clearly needs help- and if I\u2019m not mistaken, his substance use went from zero to 100 right around the time Diddy got popped. Coincidence? Probably not.
\n\nTrauma is one helluva gateway drug.
\nGod damn look at those Kingdom Hearts One\u2019s he\u2019s wearing
\nWhy are his clothes so big? He could house homeless people inside those pants.
\nThat doesn't even look like him. That person looks like an emaciated grandpa with dentures too big for his mouth.
\nPopeye, how to steal his look
\nThis isn\u2019t going to end well.
\nPeople bully him when he is a kid
\n\nPeople make jokes about him once the sexual assault from Diddy comes to light, a man who probably introduced him to drugs at a young age.
\n\nPeople make fun of him when he copes with drugs.
\n\nHumanity is cruel more often than not... I hope he is doing alright bro.
\nWow this makes me really sad for this dude
\nThis makes me very uncomfortable.
\n\nAlso, that still frame at the very end of the video is hilarious
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