How do you clip your child’s nails?

This might seem like a silly question but I just can’t figure out a way to do it without it being a fight. My daughter is 14 months for reference. I have such a hard time clipping her finger and toe nails. I’ve tried lots of different things like trying to do it when she’s eating, I tried putting on a movie and doing it while she was distracted (please don’t come at me for screen time, I’m just trying out different options). And I’ve tried just having someone else hold her while I do it. She just squirms around too much and it makes it hard to cut her nails and I don’t want to clip her finger or toe on accident. When she was younger I would do it while she napped because we contact napped until she was about 8-9 months. Now she naps in her crib in a completely dark room so I can’t even sneak in and do it then because I can’t see anything. I really could use any advice on how to clip her talons 😂 Luckily she doesn’t scratch herself with them but I don’t want her to accidentally scratch herself or get an ingrown nail or anything. TIA