25 Month Old Toddler Lining Up Toys Since His World Has Been Turned Upside Down
Hello ! My son is 25 months old and we brought home his twin brothers a little less than 3 weeks ago. Suddenly, he is really enjoying dumping out all his toys, sorting them and lining them up as well as other household objects (that are similar). Son is not very expressively conversational yet, but his receptive language is very good. He will line up his balls in a row, his cars in their own row, stack his blocks up high, line his shoes up, his magnetic letters. I should mention he also plays with these things properly as well, but is very in to sorting and lining them up right now. It legit started a few days after we brought home these two new babies. He has mostly handled the change well however he has had to deal with sharing me and has needed to get used to others doing more of his care giving (my husband and my parents who are visiting from out of town who he last saw in May 2022). I normally was always the one taking him to the park, doing his bath and bed routine, but now he’s being juggled a bit more which I think is a good experience for him but I feel guilty.
Could this lining up be a way of him trying to create order in this new chaos/a result of this time of change for him? Also, I do know the lining up of toys can be an ASD indicator, but is it always ?
Wondering if anyone else who brought home a new baby/babies saw anything similar to this in their toddler.