Does anyone else keep their dogs and kids separate?

Long story short, I have two Great Danes, ages 7y and 8y. I have two kids 3y and 10mo.

When my first child was born, we kept them separate except for a handful of occasions for the first 2 years. Our dogs had to go stay with family for the last year (life happened, we had to move somewhere they couldn’t be, no they can’t stay there), so they have not been around since then and have not met my second child. We will be getting our dogs back soon and plan to keep them separate. I refuse to be the parent that thinks random bites/attacks will never happen, especially with Great Danes. I don’t want my kids or dogs to be in that situation so they will just be separated. I’ve had them since they were puppies and don’t want to rehome them permanently, especially since they’re in their senior years.

Does anyone else keep their dogs and kids separate?? It wasn’t hard at all when my toddler was smaller, but I’m wondering how things will go now that she’s a little older and aware and understanding of her environment.