“It’s okay for them to be bored.”

Totally agree. Totally agree. Love that boredom can foster imaginative play and creativity.

Um.. but I can’t be the only parent here whose kid just doesn’t accept boredom???

I tell her mommy needs to do xyz (finish breakfast, get dressed, whatever chore). I tell her if she can do insert play activity by herself for 5 minutes, then I’ll come play with her. But she doesn’t accept it. She cries, pulls my leg, demands that I hold her, tantrums that she wants to play in the sink. And honestly I can support her through a tantrum. That’s really not the issue. I can’t physically pry her off my pants when she’s pulling at my leg because she’ll fall and get hurt. And sure I can tell her I’m not going to pick her up because I need my hands for cooking but damn… She’ll be 2 in a few days, she’s only my baby for so long, I am only human and I can’t look into her sweet face and refuse to do something as basic as hold her.

If there’s advice to be given I’ll take it but I mostly just want validation that “let them be bored” isn’t as clear cut as it seems.

EDIT- We have had and used our toddler tower for almost a year now. It’s better than not having one but not a magic bullet. We can’t really have her help with the chores though we certainly still involve her- She gets distracted by xyz thing and we have to wrangle her (our house is small so for example, washer dryer is in our boiler room where she cannot go). I think the only answer here is time and patience.

EDIT 2- I respectfully don’t want anymore advice unless it’s truly groundbreaking. All babies are different and I learned very early on that mine is a rare breed. I wouldn’t change her for the world, I’m just tired and tired of feeling alienated from other parents who can’t understand having this special kind of baby/toddler. Some of the advice I’m getting (like the existence of baby gates?) is so obvious it’s insulting. Of course I’ve thought of these things and there are reasons why they don’t work for us. This is JUST a vent post now. I’m confident that time and parenting choices will solve this issue. Thanks everyone!