Battle to get dressed every day
I am at the end of my patience rope. 2.5yo. EVERY DAY we have a battle about clothes. I have tried so many things. We try to let her choose but she doesn’t listen and doesn’t engage. So then we try to offer two options (two pants, shirts, etc) to choose one from and she totally ignores us or says “I don’t want those. I want my PJs.” We say “ok, if you don’t choose, mama or dada are going to choose” and then we do and she throws a tantrum about it, and the tantrums are getting worse. I’ve just gone ahead and put clothes onto her out of desperation and that’s also a tantrum, obviously.
I keep saying “we do this every day. We wear clothes to school. We need to choose our clothes” but it’s just a CONSTANT battle and I am so worn down. I don’t know what to do. I’m not sending her to school in footie pajamas. It’s my job to help her understand this and I’m just at my wits end. Ugh. She is spirited like I was as a kid and I want to meet her with empathy and understanding but I’m also just hitting a wall with this. PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON!