[PC][2000?]Puzzle game. Kangaroo or Salamander collecting colored diamond shaped gems.

Platform(s): PC
Genre: Puzzle? Platforming?
Estimated year of release: 2000?
Graphics/art style: 3D enviroment. Your typical polygon year 2000 style.
Notable characters: Kangaroo or Salamander as the main character. It definitely had a tail and walked on two legs.
Notable gameplay mechanics: Collecting colored gems and combining the colors. It resulted in a new colored gem which was then able to solve a puzzle.
Other details: There were enemies, I believe crocodiles that walked on two legs. The gems were diamond shaped. There were basic colors like Red, Green and Blue. The game didn't have any special mechanics. It was a pretty simple game. Some light platforming too I believe. Unlocking gates with colored gems etc.