Jen Hamilton Homophobic/Transphobic?

I came across one of those “since we are all gonna die…” videos that said Jen was a “raging” homophobe and transphobe. The comments were all like “oh my god i know! I saw the texts”.

There were a few people saying they had the texts to prove it. Someone named Tania or Tani who had curly blue/green hair mentioned she had personal experience that backs that up and screenshots to prove it, but this all came to me as TikTok was shutting down last night and I now can’t find anything about it.

Did i miss something? Was this just rage bait? Anyone have any idea what i am talking about?

I’ll eat my hat if I’m wrong, but this feels like a stretch. Maybe she doesn’t talk a ton about queer/trans patient advocacy, but she is an L&D nurse in the south who probably doesn’t have much (if any) personal or professional experience in that area

Again, I’m not a crazy follower, I’m just confused lol

Edit update: The accusations came from three people who were hurt by Jen’s lack of quick action in regard to her social media manager (who Jen did end up firing). The video I saw was from TattooedGothQueen and the “proof” can be found on Tonya Fizzle’s page. Tonya is the one who had the negative experience as well. I understand being upset, but the accusations are definitely a really big stretch and it feels much more like a personal vendetta against Jen, but I digress.
