TIFU by giving an incest themed white elephant gift

My (35f) husband's (31m) family have a Christmas tradition with their white elephant gift exchange where one of the gifts is a Donny and Marie Barbie dolls. The tradition is that whoever gets them must bring them back for the following Christmas with a new outfit and a poem about their year stay with you.

Two years ago, I finally got Donny and Marie! However, we couldn't bring them the following year as we were all sick. So this year, we had to make it good! Over the 2 years we had the dolls, I had gotten pregnant and gave birth to our second son. So we thought, let's make Marie pregnant and, as an added bonus, let's make them renew their vows and dressed them in a wedding dress and suit.

Skip to Christmas Eve when we're coming to the last few presents (we started at 16) and people are getting antsy about who will find Donny and Marie. Our cousin (19f) picks up the box and starts opening it to find a very pregnant Marie (I used modeling clay) in a wedding dress and a snazzy Donny. Some of the aunts and uncles start talking and mentions that Donny and Marie are brother and sister!!! As in, Donny and Marie Osmond... My husband didn't know their last name and never really paid attention to the stories from previous years. I knew their last name, buy assumed they were married. My husband was like, "WHAT?!?! Well, just wait for the poem!" With each line that our cousin reads, people are crying from laughing as it gets worse and worse!

Buckle up, because here's the poem that we wrote:

We are sorry we missed seeing you all last year

We were sick, but are now back and full of cheer

To fill you all in on out long time away

We wore our outfits from out last favorite day

We renewed our vows and remarried while we were gone

We tried to invite you but got the addresses all wrong

Afterward our party was such a huge blast

But whoops, we got pregnant, it happened so fast

Now we're scrambling, preparing our home

Donny's covering the house in protective foam

He's a bit of a nut ball, but I think he'll be fine

Just as long as he feeds me and stays in line

My cravings are kicking in, so I will make this fast

If I don't get chocolate pickles, this day is Donny's last

Just know that every Christmas memory we forever hold dear

So please make sure you bring us to celebrate next year

We are so excited for what the future holds

I guess you never know how your story unfolds

So for whoever has us next year, just keep this in mind

We can't wait to see what adventure life leads us to find

This ended up making this Christmas one of the funniest and best Christmases we've had in a long time!

TL;DR: I mistakenly, and hilariously, ruined a major Christmas tradition by turning a sibling doll duo into a married couple expecting a child.