TIFU by taking the back roads.
Ironically I had just been telling my mom that morning how I was considering snow tires for my car. All-season tires are good, but not snow-tire-good.
I was coming back from visiting some friends out of town and took the scenic route. Admittedly I should have stayed on the main roads, as we just had a winter storm recently. My car ended up coasting down a slushy back road, sliding and spinning before just absolutely plunging into a snowbank.
I was unable to get out of my driver’s side; the snow was thigh deep, and I had to climb over the console and out the passenger side. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have a moment of panic; I was in a very rural area with no cell signal, and with no earthly idea where I was or if anybody would come to help.
Thankfully not long after, some good Samaritans offered to pick me up so I could stay warm and use their phone to call a tow truck. The temps were in the single digits and the tow truck didn’t arrive until three hours later. (That in of itself was understandable, as I figured others were probably stuck, but when he arrived and started groveling about how he was too cold and it was too dark, and he just didn’t know what to do and might try again in the morning—I mustered up the last of my patience to tell him to drive me up the hill so I could get a signal to call somebody else.) A second tow truck arrived in five, digging me out in fifteen. Lesson learned, and time to look into some damn snow tires.
TL;DR I took the scenic route with no snow tires after a recent winter storm, and ate shit in a snowbank in single temps and in the middle of nowhere.