Why does Chaol get so much crap!?
Rant ahead… TLDR at the end.
I recently finished the Throne of Glass series and I’m struggling to understand the intense dislike for Chaol when, to me, Aedion is clearly the more problematic character. Serious question: why is there so much hate for Chaol, while Aedion gets a pass?
Sure, Chaol has a self-righteous attitude and definitely has his flaws, but by the end of the series, he shows significant growth. He works through his issues, acknowledges his mistakes, and realizes his hypocrisy regarding his relationships with Nesryn and Yrene. He even feels guilty about how he handled things with Aelin and Rowan, understanding that Aelin waited until her relationship with him was officially over before moving on with Rowan. Chaol is by no means my favorite character, but I don't loathe him. His redemption arc is compelling, and he shows genuine remorse and improvement.
On the other hand, Aedion's behavior towards Lysandra is reprehensible. He throws her out into the snow nearly naked and treats her terribly simply because she was following Aelin's orders. This is the same Aedion who claimed his greatest desire was to take the blood oath to Aelin. Yet, when Lysandra honors Aelin's wishes, he treats her like garbage. Lysandra endured unimaginable hardships, like wandering around as a horse with a dead man on her back, while Aedion didn't even ensure she had a place to sleep. It wasn't until she nearly sacrificed herself in battle that he showed any concern for her.
His behavior is toxic, and the fact that Lysandra, damaged from her past, takes him back is heartbreaking. Even though Aedion eventually recognizes how horribly he treated her, it’s hard to overlook his hypocrisy. He claims to be a loyal follower of Aelin, yet he constantly questions her, even rudely demanding, "Where are our allies?" A true loyal servant would trust and support their queen, not treat her with such disdain.
In my eyes, Aedion is the real hypocrite, and his actions are far more egregious than Chaol's. What are your thoughts on this? Why does Aedion seem to escape the same level of criticism?
TLDR: I don't get the intense hate for Chaol when Aedion's actions are far worse. Chaol grows and redeems himself by the end of the series, whereas Aedion treats Lysandra terribly, throwing her out into the snow nearly naked and neglecting her despite claiming loyalty to Aelin. Aedion's hypocrisy and toxic behavior bother me more than Chaol's flaws. Thoughts?