I’d argue that the inability to provide meaningful commentary is the prompts fault.
Deeper thinking can be done on any prompt/topic, as long as the participants choose to put effort into it.
Obviously we, as the prompt writer, need to narrow the parameters of the prompt. So that the conversation can be concise, without it the comment section would be a bit of a “no man’s land”, with two many routes to hold actual discussions.
Any topic can be deep, as long as the participants choose to think deeply on it.
Something as simple as an apple or a shoe could be the inspiration to potentially meaningful dialogue with just a sprinkle of intention.
For example shoes: - Why does putting a symbol in a shoe change the price drastically./ why do we as a society allow that to be the case.
Why does the type of shoe get associated with gender? Men in the (renaissance (?) era) wore healed shoes and their sexuality wasn’t called into question.
Why do we attribute the height of a heel to a woman sexual promiscuity?