Am I missing something? What happened to Adam?

Ok so I don't know if many people just never noticed or didn't care but do anyone know what the heck happened to Adam? Gracie was recused just like Adam and yet no one can remember what happened to him. Gracie's dad was killed at the sanctuary and she was recused and given to Eric and Aaron. Later Eric died and Aaron raised Gracie. This may be months but it feel like years later when Connie saves Adam from the whisperers. Adam was given to Tammy and Earl. Tammy die with the group of that included Enid and Henry on spikes killed by Alpha. Then Earl took the baby, after that Earl was bite saving Judith and the other kids when Hilltop fell due to Alpha. He tried to kill himself but missed his brain and Judith had to put him down. After that the baby was left with Alden who later killed by a reaper when Maggie left him in the church with a broken leg and gash in his stomach. They never said what happened to the baby after that. Do anyone know, it's sad that they wrote him off like that and let Gracie stay after he'd been though so much. I mean he had a more known introduction to the show than Gracie and yet Gracie is a BIG part of the story.