Seriously, Though, Here's Why It Can't Be Paul

I did go through some dread thinking about how bloody awful the next few months of Venom would be with Topknot under the symbiote goo - especially because this would potentially scupper Soule's excellent "Eddie Brock: Carnage" run, with fans and editorial jonesing for Eddie to become Venom and go back to square one ASAP.

But having re-examined the evidence presented thus far, I'm fairly certain the new Venom is NOT Paul Rabin the genocidal tech hipster.

On general principle: this would be disrespectful to the readers and our intelligence. Whatever you think about editorial, that's not what Al Ewing is like. He's a sensitive, nuanced and very smart writer who doesn't enter into an antagonistic relationship with his readers. While his writing doesn't always go where you expect, he wouldn't just make a famously despised character into the new happy-go-lucky protagonist - especially when the writing and marketing has been heavily pushing for the real winner to be one of 4 candidates.

But on evidence? Let's take a look...

Exhibit A: Dr Harlan McNeill

Dr McNeill was created for this book, but (via retcon), he states that he was present for the Gang War, and that he is an expert on body language who can identify a person from "tells" as unique as a fingerprint - e.g. their gestures, the way they move across a room. He also states that he was an active participant in the "Gang War" event.

Then, when the new Venom enters into the mix, Dr. McNeill states that the new Venom is someone who's never been Venom before - and that the suspect could either be someone who was the trial, or actively participated in the Gang War.

While MJ and Paul had a single-issue involvement in the Gang War, in "Jackpot" #1 (2024)...

...they only faced three generic AIM agents, after which Paul scurried home to monitor MJ/Jackpot from his computer and provide tech support. Whether or not one of those AIM goons was Dr. McNeill, he would have barely seen Paul, hiding from him, and not had nearly enough time to make a positive ID.

Paul was not present for the rest of the Gang War, certainly not at the battle of Central Park. Dr. McNeill would not know him - especially not on the same high-profile level as Madame Masque, the Mayor of New York, the EIC of the Daily Bugle or Rick "Gets Everywhere" Jones...

...and he couldn't have been at the trial, because he was at home all day monitoring Dylan and worrying about MJ while she was out patrolling as Jackpot. Hell, Dylan's smart enough that he would have noticed Paul being there (from the security footage) and counted him among the suspects - not to mention if Paul had snuck out, Dylan would have too!

IN CONCLUSION: the body language expert says it can't possibly have been Paul.

Exhibit B: Science.

Paul first got involved in MJ's life because he's an expert in "glyph-magic" and a "technologist" - i.e. a generic mid-tier level super-scientist. He's competent enough with scientific work that he was able to act as Jackpot's remote support staff while she wielded a weapon that is literally a random superpower generator.

Then, in #2, Venom the symbiote - who's in the pilot's seat? Which feels kinda new? - directly talks to his host, implying that whoever they are isn't proficient in science at all. Venom would not address Paul like this - he'd be more likely to say something like "you have science expertise, right? Doesn't that extend to bombs?".

This statement is wayyy more fitting for the two remaining suspects - Rick and Robbie - neither of whom is a scientist but both of whom have hung around them (Robbie has been around Spider-Man a fair few times and Rick, of course, got his start as the Hulk's best pal - not to mention he was recently a member of Gamma Flight).

IN CONCLUSION: Paul is a scientist; Venom would not ask if he'd "picked up some science" from someone else.

Exhibit C: Family.

Since he got back together with Eddie during Cates' run and they found out about Dylan, Venom has been wayyy more of a caring parent. It's an element that transitioned into Ewing's first run - the symbiote was concerned first and foremost about Dylan's safety, up to and including separating from him when he thought that Dylan was better off that way...

...and as of A-NV #3, still very much wants Dylan to be part of a family with him - even though that's not what can happen right now, for some reason.


Whoever's in there, Venom does not think of them as family - they barely know one another. In fact, it seems more like whatever's going on with them is a forced relationship. Likely brought about because Venom was dying, last we saw, and whoever he's bonded with had the capacity to help him - but at cost to themselves. That might also be why Venom won't bond with Dylan again: for fear that he'd kill any other host.

Keeping Venom miraculously alive seems wayyy closer to Rick than anyone else (he has previously wielded "The Destiny Force", which allows him to bend reality to help others) - but it can't be Paul. "Technologist" or not, he doesn't have the capacity to somehow tame the imbalance between Venom and the Eganrac force.

Not to mention: if Paul is doing a good job keeping Dylan safe (as Venom seems to think), wouldn't he think of Paul as 'family' somewhat? Or 'friends'?

IN CONCLUSION: Venom does not think of his new host as 'family'. If said host were his son's foster father, he very likely would think of him as family.


IN CONCLUSIVE CONCLUSION: editorial benefits from the suspicion that the new Venom is Paul Rabin because it potentially drums up interest, the way controversy always does. Remember, this is the same comics company that put out a teaser of Gwen Stacy's grave this week. Getting negative reactions still = getting reactions and getting the comic talked about.

But unless Ewing performed some sort of miracle swing, actually making Paul the new Venom would be a colossally bone-headed business move - wedding one of their big-selling properties to a nothing character transparently created to piss off Spider-Man fans, as opposed to a pre-existing character with established history (i.e. any of the four suspects). It would come off as insulting to most fans.

(Picture the difference between "Find out more about Rick Jones' many adventures in [giant list of backissues and classic story arcs, some of them written by Ewing]" vs. "Find out more about Paul Rabin's adventures in [that one godawful run of Amazing Spider-Man and maybe a couple of Jackpot one-shots and miniseries]".)

The reason Venom has square teeth again is because Ewing loves doing deep dives into a characters' history and taking them back there - when Eddie first showed up as Venom, he had square teeth then as well. See also his Immortal Hulk featuring the version of Hulk who showed up right after the bomb went off, or his Immortal Thor putting Thor back in the classic Kirby outfit.

Paul does not have a long history to mine and explore. He was complicit in murdering an entire planet and then rather than face consequences, just fucked off to another reality to mope about his life while dating a supermodel superhero. I respect Ewing for trying to give him a little more depth, but...that doesn't make him a good suspect for the new host of Venom.

Hope that sets some minds at rest!