Another sutta question

Hello everyone! I am reading through the book "The Wings to Awakening" and have another question regarding a passage regarding effluents to be abandoned by using.

"And what are the effluents that are to be abandoned by using? There is the case where a monk, reflecting appropriately, uses the robe simply to counteract cold, to counteract heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for the purpose of covering the parts ofthe body that cause shame. Reflecting appropriately, he uses alms food, not playfully, nor for intoxication, nor for putting on bulk, nor for beautification; but simply for the survival & continuance of this body, for ending its afflictions, for the support of the holy life, thinking, ‘Thus will I destroy old feelings (of hunger) and not create new feelings (from overeating). I will maintain myself, be blameless, & live in comfort.’ Reflecting appropriately, he uses lodging simply to counteract cold, to counteract heat, to counteract the touch of flies, mosquitoes, wind, sun, & reptiles; simply for protection from the inclemencies of weather and for the enjoyment of seclusion. Reflecting appropriately, he uses medicinal requisites for curing illness simply to counteract any pains of illness that have arisen and for maximum freedom from disease. The effluents, vexation, or fever that would arise if he were not to use these things (in this way) do not arise for him when he uses them (in this way). These are called the effluents that are to be abandoned by using."

If my understanding is correct, I thought the whole idea is that an enlightened being does not suffer. And someone with high attainments will suffer very minimally. So for example, if in a case where you could not counteract the cold, the heat, hunger, and so on, you may feel physical discomfort, but there would be no mental anguish / suffering to go along with it. But the Buddha says "The effluents, vexation, or fever that would arise if he were not to use these things..." So how can it be the case that someone should not suffer when they do not have the ability to use (use whatever may be needed to avoid massive discomfort), but simultaneously the only way to prevent effluents from arising is through using "things" for lack of a better word.

Maybe I'm overthinking but the answer I came up with myself is that maybe it's that you need these "things" to get yourself in a situation / circumstances where the mind is receptive to becoming more skillful, but as you get closer and closer to awakening, these things become less and less important. And then finally at awakening these things are no longer needed at all for happiness?

Many thanks in advance!