My inner critic is making me find the job unbearable

I'm a clinical psychologist in training (UK version of PsyD). I'm hyper aware of not being a great clinician yet. I've looked at other similar threads and often see replies such as "they're paying and coming back!"...Well it's NHS so patients don't pay, they've waited months for help and they have no choice in who they see.

I find it difficult to strike the balance between being humble and self-reflective and actually holding onto some confidence and self belief. I'm so early on in my career that it's just realistic that I'm probably not doing the best job and I think patients belief in me is somewhat questioned by the very "trainee" title.

I'm also conflicted by messages....when I stay wholly focused on the patient I completely forget any theory or modality tools to use. When I am holding these in mind, I find myself distracted, thinking about what to say or do next. I talk to peers who experience some imposter syndrome but don't seem to have the same level of crippling self doubt.

Does it get better...(Yes I'm in therapy)