Ideas for working with 10 & unders

I graduated back in may and took a job in August working as an in-home intensive therapist with kids aged 5-18. We are technically a crisis stabilization program for kids who at risk for going residential. I am in home for sessions for minimum 3x a week for 90 days and often struggle to find things to do/talk through with the clients after about a month in.

We use TBRI as our main framework and I always kinda reemphasize the model and proper response but there’s only so much of that I can do.

I often just resort to playing games with the kids/families and allow conflict to arise to have both the parent/child/siblings to work on their skills of proper response and regulation as this is the main issue that the 10 & unders deal with.

What are some specific activities, conversations, themes, worksheets, etc. that you would recommend I engaged in as I start to hit a wall after that first month.
