As a therapist, how do you terminate with your OWN therapist

I see my therapist monthly-ish, I've seen her for a few years. She's rescheduled or no showed 6 of my 7 appointments in the last 9 months. Less than 24 hours notice each time. A couple reschedules happened repeatedly, like rescheduled 2-3 times. Sore throat, client in crisis, sinus infection, husband in the ER, double scheduled me with a supervision appointment... Some after the session time has started and I'm logged on. One she just totally did not show or get back to me for days. Before that she cancelled often but it wasn't this bad.

So as a mental health provider I am at a loss of how I terminate with my own therapist. Like "I'm fine I don't need to talk to you anymore" seems weird and frankly is a lie, I'm not fine, I'm a functional hot mess. "You keep cancelling and I need someone who is reliable" would be honest but also, I'm not that brave. And what I want to do is just ghost her but obviously not going to do that. I tried the last session to say something but chickened out.

But like WTF. Who does this?