Weird thing cave SP->FA
(First time posting here, sorry if i made a mistake!)
Some info beforehand: 1. I play on very very very easy, so Timberwolfs & Bears are turned off, no attacking by wolfs etc. I don't know if this also translates to the new Cougars (I really hope so) And 2. I have to turn the music off while I play, so I don't hear any sound cues (and I can't turn it on).
I saw that TLD had an update, so I went to take a look and I got to the point where I have to go through the cave from Sundered Pass to Forsaken Airfield. As I was making my way down the cave and got to the point where I climbed down the rope, my character started to "interact" with someone/something, looking around wildly and it took a few seconds to finally get "off" the rope.
So now I hope someone will please tell me if that's normal or something is waiting for me while i make my way to FA (if so, pls do tell me) or was I missing an interaction with an animal because I play on super easy and nothing will happen?