dems want to purge its most leftist voters,i think thats okay as long as the dems are up front about NOT fighting for leftist policy. Allows for dems to focus on centrist reach and gives us on the left a reality check that we should look elsewhere. liberals and left will always hate each other.
That way, the leftists that are purged can actually be given alternatives instead of trying to take over the dem party. there should be no "why are you supporting a 3rd party" talks after this.. wouldnt it be better for the left to just create their own party or try to collab with other independents to build a coalition group? seriously, the more i think about it, the left and liberals are gonna be at each others throats, look how different they see the world just with gaza. We should just respect each others choices and move on, let liberals support dems, and let the left support 3rd party. lets not stomp on each others freedom of speech and freedom to associate with which ever political group we want. i admit defeat that the left will never control the dems and have lost the info war against liberals on where the party should go. centrist liberal policy is the right policy for dems since thats what their base wants but and i respect that. thats why i think the left should also find something like that in their own party. it may not get as much supporters, but it will be the true political freedom in action.