The 13 keys were certainly wrong in 1856.

For those saying "The keys didn't fail, America fail the Keys due to misinformation" or that "The keys predicted a Trump victory, Lictman was biased" l will like to add that in retrospect the keys were also wrong in 1856 because the 1. Party mandate key (Republicans gained seats) 2. No primary contest key (Buchanan wasn’t nominated until the 15th ballot) 3. Incumbent running really election (Buchanan was the nominee no Pierce) 4. No third party (Filmore) Social unrest key (Bleeding Kansas) 5. No foreign policy failure (Pierce failed to strengthen relations with UK and he also failed to annex Cuba) 6. Incumbent charisma (I don’t think I need to explain this) would be turned false and in favour of Fremont.

So yeah the 13 keys is just not good model, it wasn't just because of misinformation or Lictman being biased.