Ya’ll stop with the SDK fear mongering

We don’t know what Valve will do with the future of tf2 we didn’t know last year the year before that etc. The only way we will ever know what Valve wants to do with tf2 is if they say something. Action without words in a situation like this is meaningless.

Historically Valve has show they don’t care and they’ve shown no indication of changing said behavior. The SDK does not in any way shape or form symbolize a nail in the coffin. We’ve had more Valve support with in the last year then we’ve had the year before and the year before. So keep an open mind

To address everyone who might say I’m being toxically positive save that for another conversation I’m not saying that the game is in a good situation or that it won’t get worse. I’m just saying we don’t know until we know.

TLDR: we don’t know till we know go smoke some grass.