What are headcanons you have on the extended Titans characters?

Comic or cartoon wise.

Characters besides the main Titans casts.

For me....

I write Omen as biracial white/Asian. More specifically, Greek and Chinese.

This is because Lilith had cat-shaped eyes and a stereotypically mysterious vibe in her early appearances. She was introduced as "the Enigma of the East", so I assume she had some Asian in her. Chinese or Japanese seems most likely considering the time period and the way she's exotified.

DC later revealed Lil's bio mom was a Titan. I simplify Omen's character and just make Lilith a metahuman with a meta gene, instead of a demigod. Her bio mom was Greek nevertheless.

Lili being multiracial adds more diversity, plus it differentiates her from Marvel's Jean Grey.

I write Terra as Jewish through her mom

I got this headcanon from some Jewish fans who headcanoned her as such. It clicked in my head too.

I think it originates because Tara was supposed to be the "anti-Kitty Pryde". But it also adds a layer of subtext when it comes to Tara's backstory of being the illegitimate daughter of a European king and his mistress, who was kicked out of her country and effectively disowned by her paternal side.

Jinx in the 2003 verse is a metahuman from India

She doesn't have a backstory. I keep it fairly similar to her comic version. Jinx is originally from India and she was born a metahuman, with her odd look being something she's had since birth. Her powers didn't begin to show until she was a few years older.