Why did my crush reject me despite liking me? Yesterday, him (18M) and i (16F) went to this event we were super excited about with a couple of friends. When we sat, he sat beside me, and his hand gradually reached towards mine. He held it, on and off, carressed it and all
After about 15 minutes, when he reached again i turned his palm up and placed my hand over it, to return the favour, in a way. After a bit, he aggresively removed his hand and left to the washroom shortly after. When he came back, he was acting normally, so i didnt make much of it. That is until he messaged me after we both got home to say that it was not the right time because he needed to focus on his relationship with Jesus (we're both catholic) since he is going away to be a missionary for a year, abroad. I didnt understand, because he had given me countless signs that he liked me (and i still think he does) but he was saying he didnt want to commit (???) Also, having a relationship with somebody doesnt turn you incapable of having a relationship with Christ. It is actually a beautiful pathway towards it!! Then i wrote to him this morning saying i wanted to see him to talk about it, since i couldnt understand. Why would he hold my hand if he wasnt looking for a relationship? Or rather, why is he so reluctant in having one, when he obviously wants it? He has not responded yet (i will update) but i wanted you guys' opinion on this because i cannot come to a conclusion myself