My parents are insane

My parents are both total wack jobs. My dad is a psycho, my mom is psychotic. I could go into literally hundreds of examples but the one that best demonstrate their fucking insanity without context is when my mom beat me with a yardstick until it snapped on my back as I was curled up on the floor while my dad watched and then made me run laps around the basement until I passed out for watching Mean Girls when I was 12.

I'm almost 17 now, and nothing that physical has happened since then. So you might think that they could have changed, or at least that's what I've hoped. But seriously, they won't fucking change. I'm no angel myself, in fact I can 100% percent say that I'm not a good person and that is something that strains my relationship with my parents. I want to change that and become a better person. It's just really fucking difficult when neither of them want to budge an inch.

They have no chill. They never have let me hang out with a friend that they haven't personally vetted at our house, and they can't fathom me making new friends. They're constantly paranoid about me flexing any kind of personal freedom. I got my license recently and I've driven far less than I had with my permit because they refuse to let me drive by myself.

But it goes far beyond them "not having any chill". My father is an avid Trump supporter, and if that isn't enough, he doesn't support him for the usual reasons. He supports him because he's a fucking insane conspiracy theorist who legitimately believes that Trump is a genius who acts like an idiot to incite conflict. He also believes that we never went to the moon and that JFK Jr. is going to come back from the dead and run for president in 2024.

The reason I hate that they have to meet all my friends before I can hang out with them is that they can't even hide it. Every time my friends or their parents come away from talking to my parents, they tell me that they're terrifying and insane. The adults in less words, but still.

And don't even get me started on the relationship between the two. My mother hates my father's guts and they barely coexist under the same roof. It's not like they fight, more like she literally pretends he doesn't exist except to bitch about something that he's done. The reason they stay together and don't just fucking get divorced: "for the kids". Fuck me.

Idk I just really needed to get this off my chest. Maybe I'm just making them look bad but I just need to get the fuck out of here. Quarantine is making me crazy.