fuck all of you who pretend to care about mental health
There's this kid in my school, Josh for the sake of simplicity, who clearly has something going on with him. I've seen him have meltdowns in class before, sobbing how he hates his life and wants to kill himself (this has happened maybe three times during classes I've had with him, and I know of two other times in my friends' classes) in the last three years. He stresses easily in class and he can be quite quick to anger at times.
Josh doesn't have many friends, I see him around with maybe one or two other guys every now and then (who also go through bullying mainly for associating with him, but they still stick by) and he's usually quite to himself. He's quiet, likes video games and comic, and that's about all I know about him. I don't interact with Josh much, other than the times I've invited him for group projects since no one else would, so I don't really know what he's like. But, from our limited interactions, he's nice enough when he's in a better mood and seems kinda chill.
This kid goes through so much bullying. Constantly being called a school shooter, retard, psychopath, etc. People go out of their way to ignore him, exclude him, insult him. It's gross. He doesn't deserve this. I can only imagine how this shit effects him. But these are the same people who once every few months post shit like "mental health is important! if anyone's going through anything I'm always open to talk ♥️" or whatever.
These people don't care.
If you're mental health problems aren't "pretty" and easily romanticised, you're a freak and a retard and are probably going to shoot up the school. If them talking to you doesn't make them look good, they couldn't give less of a fuck about you.
And you know what? Some of these shitty kids struggle with depression or anxiety or something else themselves. But that's not a valid excuse to treat others like shit.
Fuck all of you who are like this. Sincerely, go fuck yourself if you only want to help people when it benefits you.