Does my crush like me?
- There's a girl I've had a crush on for maybe a month or 2 and only my best friend knows rn. I can talk to my crush a decent amount without being awkward but yeah. I have a gut feeling she knows I like her and I cant tell if she likes me or not. Earlier today when I was walking with a girl whose on the cross country team to our coaches classroom we passed my crush and one of her friends and my crush said hi and I say hi back and then when were out of earshot my teamate said, does she like you? I said dont worry about it. Anyway idk what to take from that. I know that guys suck at picking up on girls moves and knowing myself I'm most likely one of those guys. I'm wondering if another girl asking if my crush likes me confirmed anything. Whatever this all means its making me happy that a person said that maybe my crush likes me so yeah. Im just going to be confused but enjoy that little happy thought.