Windows 11 Disk Usage Spikes With SSD

Before I switched to a SSD from a HDD, the disk usage on my system would constantly be at 100%. Now I'm using a SATA 2.5 SAMSUNG 870 EVO 1TB for my system, and it works well for the most part. A huge improvement over my old HDD. However, the disk usage issue is still noticeable, just to a lower degree. Every time I launch an application, download something, or do an antivirus scan, my disk usage spikes to nearly 100%. Below are links to images of my task manager during the process of launching an application.

As shown in the images, it seems that system and whatever program I am launching at the time are responsible for the increase in disk usage. I've tried some fixes I found online like disabling superfetch and resetting my virtual memory, but none of them worked at all. Is this straight up a hardware problem or is there anything I can do to fix the issue without replacing something in my PC?

(Forgot to mention, I ran windows' full antivirus scan and it found no issues)