getting a literary half-sleeve with Catcher in the Rye, 1984, Brave New World, and The Great Gatsby.

So I'm an environmental studies and creative writing joint major. I already have the Lorax tattooed on my back and am looking to get a literary half-sleeve as an ode to my favorite authors and pieces of fiction literature. As of now, I am for sure getting the Catcher in the Rye cover piece with the merry-go-round horse and the city in the background. Like this but probably different in terms of details and color. That's the first piece I'm getting. Then for 1984 I was thinking a rendition of the "big brother is watching you" eye. Something like this. For the Gatsby part I was thinking the eyes of TJ Eckleberg (but that seems kinda weird with the other Big Brother eye. Maybe something with owl eyes? Lastly, for the Brave New World part I want one of those robot-looking things from the front cover or perhaps a soma pill.

Please let me know if you have any ideas as to how I could make it all sort of collage together and mesh well. Any input is appreciated other than discouraging input. I have reasons for all of these tattoos and am not just getting them willy nilly. I've wanted the catcher in the rye one for over a year and have been thinking about the possibility of a half sleeve for a few months. So yeah, lemme know! Thanks guys!