New Era Heroes vs Villains

Now that we’re 7 seasons into the new era, I was wondering what a new era Heroes vs Villains could look like. I know Jeff wants to move away from villains on the show so this probably wouldn’t happen so this is purely for my own enjoyment. There were a handful of players who had heroic/villainous qualities that I omitted because I didn’t feel like they landed clearly in either camp. Feel free to tell me who I left out, miscast, etc.


  1. Maryanne Oketch (S42)
  2. Rachel LaMont (S47)
  3. Lindsay Dolashewich (S42)
  4. Cassidy Clark (S43)
  5. Tiffany Ervin (S46)
  6. Xander Hastings (S41)
  7. Jonathan Young (S42)
  8. Cody Assenmacher (S43)
  9. Kaleb Gebrewold (S45)
  10. Sol Yi (S47)


  1. Dee Valladares (S45)
  2. Tori Meehan (S42)
  3. Shan Smith (S41)
  4. Genevieve Mushlauk (S47)
  5. Venus Vafa (S46)
  6. Jesse Lopez (S43)
  7. Hai Giang (S42)
  8. Q Burdette (S46)
  9. Ricard Foyé (S41)
  10. Drew Basile (S45)