I’m not a ____ fan, but…


She hasn’t really outwardly impacted the game. Though competitive in challenges and loyal to her numbers, Sue has never pulled off a big move herself and did not play her idol in a way that could have done so.


There were two moments in last night’s episode I really appreciated.

  1. Sue got chosen by Genevieve for the reward. Though we had previously seen her conspiring with Rachel, specifically learning about her idol, Sue was solid in gathering info from tipsy Teeny and never cracked to reveal Rachel’s idol to the others. Truth be told, it could have harmed her if she did so, but after losing Caroline, Sue could have played as a free agent and offered up that info.

  2. Her hammock moment with Rachel. It’s clear at this point that Rachel is a favorite to win the game and the votes are going on her for the first vote of the night. While I’m sure the wheels were turning for Rachel about saving the idol, trying to swing Andy, and using the block a vote only, Sue has a very genuine moment reaffirming Rachel’s NEED to save herself with her idol. I’m sure at this point in the game, exhaustion and potential pathways can cloud judgement. Rachel having someone like Sue, who she generally didn’t have the tightest relationship with, look her in the eye and be that reaffirming voice of reason was great.

So while there is a narrative that “Sue has done nothing”, I’m leaning on these two moments last night.